Monday, May 30, 2011

Patch 4.2 - Justice & Valor Point Rewards

The latest PTR patch updated the Justice and Valor Points vendors and we finally know what to expect from them in the next patch. A couple of important things:

  • Old epic ilvl 359/"Valor" gear is now available from the Justice Points vendor at the same prices.
  • "Old" rare/Justice Points gear is still for sale at the same price.
  • When Patch 4.2 is released, your existing Valor Points will be converted to Justice Points.
  • Normal versions of Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds will be nerfed and will only reward Justice Points.

Level Type Spec Slot Name Price
378ThrownMeleeThrownMorningstar Shard700 x
378ThrownMeleeThrownGiantslicer700 x
378ThrownTankThrownDeflecting Star700 x
378WandSpell DPSRangedGlowing Ember Wand700 x
378WandSpell SpiritRangedPhoenix-Feather Wand700 x
378PlateMeleeWristGigantiform Bracers1,250 x
378PlateSpell SpiritWristBracers of Imperious Truths1,250 x
378PlateTankWristBracers of Regal Force1,250 x
378MailPhysical DPSWristBracers of Forked Lightning1,250 x
378MailSpell SpiritWristBracers of Misting Ash1,250 x
378LeatherMeleeWristFlamebinder Bracers1,250 x
378LeatherSpell SpiritWristScorchskull Bindings1,250 x
378ClothSpell DPSWristEmberflame Bracers1,250 x
378ClothSpell SpiritWristFiresoul Wristguards1,250 x
378NeckMeleeNeckStoneheart Choker1,250 x
378NeckPhysical DPSNeckFlamesign Necklace1,250 x
378NeckSpell DPSNeckFiremind Necklace1,250 x
378NeckSpell SpiritNeckFiremind Pendant1,250 x
378NeckTankNeckStoneheart Necklace1,250 x
378FingerMeleeFingerSerrated Brimstone Signet1,250 x
378FingerPhysical DPSFingerSplintered Brimstone Seal1,250 x
378FingerSpell DPSFingerCrystalline Brimstone Ring1,250 x
378FingerSpell SpiritFingerSoothing Brimstone Circle1,250 x
378FingerTankFingerDeflecting Brimstone Band1,250 x
378RelicMeleeRelicDoomflame Fetish1,250 x
378RelicPhysical DPSRelicHardheart Relic700 x
378RelicSpell DPSRelicSoulflame Vial700 x
378RelicSpell SpiritRelicFirebinder Relic700 x
378RelicTankRelicDeathclutch Figurine700 x

Ragnaros Testing on Test Realms
Players had a chance to test the fight against Ragnaros last night and a couple of guilds released videos of the encounter. No kill videos yet, but a couple of 40-20% wipes. If you have no idea what's going on, you can always check out the details of the fight in our Encounter Journal Preview.

BlizzCon Benefit Dinner Tickets On Sale - Saturday, May 28 at 10 a.m. PT
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Before the BlizzCon festivities begin, we're inviting you to join us for an evening of good food and good conversation -- all for a good cause. Approximately 200 tickets to a special pre-BlizzCon dinner to benefit Children's Hospital of Orange County will be going on sale tomorrow, Saturday, May 28 at 10 a.m. PT. Keep your eye on the ticket sales page tomorrow for the chance to get yours. For more information on the BlizzCon Benefit Dinner, visit the official BlizzCon website at

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Need roll makes items soulbound in Patch 4.2
It's in 4.2 (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Anti Ninja Loot System
I think what you want is a system that keeps people from rolling on the gear you want because you don't believe they deserve it to the same degree you do. There are already restrictions in place that keep people from rolling on items they can't use. We don't want to begin restricting what people can roll on based on current spec, because that's not a black or white situation, which is how the system would need to be set up to work how you'd like.

There are some surefire ways to avoid or seriously cut down on situations like this, but it should be understood that if you enter into Dungeon Finder your rolls can go up against the rolls of someone else, regardless if you think you should get preference or not.

If you're looking for a certain item, I'd let the group know before the first pull and ask if anyone else is going to roll need on it. If nothing else it'll show everyone your intent, and put anyone on display who (at the consensus of the group) isn't playing by what you'd consider to be fair.

[...] To bring one more to the table (or reiterate one, I haven't read all 20 pages), and it's one that is a big reason why the system works as it does: if only tanks can roll on tank gear, then it becomes really hard for anyone else to build up the gear they need to be able to tank. We would end up with a bunch of undergeared tanks ("Sorry guys, but this is the only way I can get armor,") or worse, fewer tanks in the system overall because nobody can get gear. People would be forced to gear for healing or tanking through other means because they wouldn't be able to move fluidly from leveling as DPS to Dungeon Finder and begin acquiring the gear they need to fulfill their role. Or, the Light forbid, one day someone decides they want to try healing or tanking and needs to begin building a set.

At some point systems become so 'helpful' that they're a detriment. For that reason we have to reach a point where we're making sure we're stopping the majority of negatives, but not squeezing the egg of problems so hard that we create four messier ones. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blizzard Art Gallery Update
The World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Art gallery has been updated with 4 new pieces of TBC Art.


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